Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ pdf
Par foutz arthur le jeudi, décembre 3 2015, 22:02 - Lien permanent
Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ by Masters
Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ Masters ebook
Format: djvu
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
ISBN: 0124790402, 9780124790407
Page: 509
Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; Book for neural network solutions to practical problems using C++. Download eBook "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms And Applications" Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++ by Timothy Masters, July 1997, Academic Press edition, Paperback in English. A C++ Sourcebook and Advanced Algorithms for Neural Networks Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++: Masters: 9780124790407. Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++: Good condition, some are ex-library and can have markings. So I've now finished the first version of my second neural network tutorial covering the implementation and training of a neural network. Masters, T.: Practical neural network recipies in C++. Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ free ebook download. BrdysÂ, M.A.: Hierarchical optimising control of steady- state. EBook Author: Masters eBook Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann.
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